We save pet owners
hundreds of $$$s

We save pet owners
hundreds of $$$s

We save pet owners
hundreds of $$$s

Fluff Health detects early signs of 100+ diseases based on your pet's routine blood, urine and fecal lab test results

Fluff Health detects early signs of 100+ diseases based on your dog's blood, urine and fecal lab test results

  • Could indicate dehydration, heart disease, or polycythemia

    High, trending toward normal but still elevated

  • Chloride
    107 mmol/L
    Low, trending out of range

    Can indicate issues related to dehydration, gastrointestinal disorders, kidney disease or Addison's Disease

  • Potassium
    5.6 mmol/L
    High, trending out of range

    Could indicate serious health issues, such as Kidney disease, Addison's Disease, or urinary obstruction

  • Albumin
    2.7 g/dL
    Low, trending out of range

    Can be a sign of liver disease, kidney disease, or gastrointestinal disease

  • White Blood Cells
    3.8 K/µL
    Low in the latest test

    Could be an early sign of immune suppression, infections, or bone marrow issues

  • Could indicate dehydration, heart disease, or polycythemia

    High, trending toward normal but still elevated

  • Chloride
    107 mmol/L
    Low, trending out of range

    Can indicate issues related to dehydration, gastrointestinal disorders, kidney disease or Addison's Disease

  • Potassium
    5.6 mmol/L
    High, trending out of range

    Could indicate serious health issues, such as Kidney disease, Addison's Disease, or urinary obstruction

  • Albumin
    2.7 g/dL
    Low, trending out of range

    Can be a sign of liver disease, kidney disease, or gastrointestinal disease

  • White Blood Cells
    3.8 K/µL
    Low in the latest test

    Could be an early sign of immune suppression, infections, or bone marrow issues

How it works

How it works

How it works

How it works

Our team gets your pet’s medical records and the results to their routine blood, urine and fecal lab tests directly from your vet

Our team gets your pet’s medical records and the results to their routine blood, urine and fecal lab tests directly from your vet

Our team gets your pet’s medical records and the results to their routine blood, urine and fecal lab tests directly from your vet

Our team gets your pet’s medical records and the results to their routine blood, urine and fecal lab tests directly from your vet

Fluff Health detects early signs of over 100 diseases based on how your pet's health is changing over time

Fluff Health detects early signs of over 100 diseases based on how your pet's health is changing over time

Fluff Health detects early signs of over 100 diseases based on how your pet's health is changing over time

Fluff Health detects early signs of over 100 diseases based on how your pet's health is changing over time

Our dashboard makes lab results easy to understand and gives recommendations based on 1000s of hours of research by top veterinarians

Our dashboard makes lab results easy to understand and gives recommendations based on 1000s of hours of research by top veterinarians

Our dashboard makes lab results easy to understand and gives recommendations based on 1000s of hours of research by top veterinarians

Our dashboard makes lab results easy to understand and gives recommendations based on 1000s of hours of research by top veterinarians

Monitor for early indicators of over 100 diseases

Monitor for early indicators of over 100 diseases

Monitor for early indicators of over 100 diseases

Monitor for early indicators of over 100 diseases

  • Diabetes

  • Liver

  • Canine Hepatitis

  • Infections

  • Addison's Disease

  • Pancreatitis

  • Heartworm Disease

  • Hypothyroidism

  • Anemia

  • Leukemia

  • Cushing's Disease

  • Kidney

  • Lymphoma

Pet owners love Fluff Health

Pet owners love Fluff Health

Pet owners love Fluff Health

Pet owners love Fluff Health

  • "Fluff Health gave me a second opinion on my pet's health and identified possible early signs of diseases that my vet didn't mention to me. Pet owners need this for peace of mind!"

    Ameer & Captain

  • "I'm finally done guessing what foods to feed my pup. Fluff Health used my pet's lab results to suggest foods I should and shouldn't feed Rover. I've spent so much money on different foods - wish I found Fluff sooner."

    Paolo & Banana

  • "After owning many pets in my life, I've found that preventative health helps me to save so much money and time. Fluff Health makes practicing preventative health incredibly easy. Wish I had this for my past pets!"

    Haley & Teeny

  • "Having Fluff Health as a single source of truth for my pet has been great. We're digital nomads so having a dashboard that makes sense of all the health data across many vets we've been to has been huge for us."

    Garrett & Roxy

Pricing that makes you feel fluffy inside

Pricing that makes you feel fluffy inside

Pricing that makes you feel fluffy inside

Fluff Health Trial


One time sync of pet records from your


One time sync of pet records from your veterinarians

One time sync of pet records from
your veterinarians

One time sync of pet
records from your


Detect early signs of 100+ diseases

Detect early signs of 100+

Insights based on 1000s of hours of research

by top veterinarians

Insights based on 1000s of hours of research by top veterinarians

Insights based on 1000s of hours

of research by top veterinarians

Insights based on 1000s
of hours of research
by top veterinarians

Email Support

Join Fluff Health

Fluff Health Core Membership

Fluff Health Wellness Membership


/month (billed annually)

Unlimited syncing of pet records from your veterinarian(s)

Unlimited syncing of pet records from

your veterinarian(s)

Unlimited syncing of pet records from

your veterinarian(s)

Human-readable dashboard to visually track pet's health over time

Human-readable dashboard to visually

track pet's health over time

Human-readable dashboard to visually
track pet's health over time

24/7 monitoring of health for early signs of 100+ diseases

24/7 monitoring of health for early

signs of 100+ diseases

24/7 monitoring of health for early
signs of 100+ diseases

Insights based on 1000s of hours of research by top veterinarians

Insights based on 1000s of hours

of research by top veterinarians

Insights based on 1000s of hours
of research by top veterinarians

Secure, easy accessible storage for your pet's health data

Secure, easy accessible storage

for your pet's health data

Secure, easy accessible storage
for your pet's health data

Email Support

Join Fluff Health


Is insurance involved?

Why hasn't this existed before?

Why should I trust Fluff Health?

Fluff Health is in beta. What does that mean?

Fluff Health is a no-brainer tool for all pet owners

Fluff Health is a no-brainer tool for all pet owners

© Copyright 2024 All Rights Reserved by Fluff Health

© Copyright 2024 All Rights Reserved by Fluff Health

© Copyright 2024 All Rights Reserved by Fluff Health